
Road Safety App



The problem with the many uses we all have with our smartphones and the busy lives we lead, there is a real danger that we fail to notice the dangers around us as we’re glued to our phone screens.  While official advice is that we should never cross the road while listening to music or texting, many people simply ignore this advice.  Luckily an interesting new app has recently been developed in America to deal with this.


The One Llama app, currently for Android only but with an iOS version in the works, has a sound bank of key noises which it can recognise when picked up by your phones speakers.  It picks up on sounds such as screaming, tyre squeals, sirens or car horns, and will automatically turn off music playing through your headphones and replace it with a louder version of the sound to alert you to danger.


What do you think of this app? Good pragmatic idea to deal with modern distractions, or simply an encouragement to people who don’t spend enough time being alert to the dangers around you? Comment below.

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